The most comprehensive workplace ranking prepared to date, covering 23 countries based on Workplace Happiness.
happy workplaces
The Happiest 819 workplaces selected among 16,829 companies, taking into account sectoral differences.
higher financial return
Detailed analyses comparing the stock returns of “Happy Workplaces” Listed companies in the top 5 economies.
“Happiest Workplaces Around the Globe-2024” is the most comprehensive ranking published to date on Workplace Happiness. The list includes 819 workplaces selected and categorized by sector among a total of 16,829 companies across 23 countries.
The report also features insights from 724 senior HR executives on the HR trends of 2024, the challenges they face, and the key strategies they employ. The executives participating in the survey were grouped according to their workplaces, identifying how the Happiest Workplaces differ from other workplaces.
In its third section, the report examines the stock performance of companies listed in the "Happiest Workplaces Around the Globe" from 2010 to 2024 in the stock markets of the USA, UK, Germany, France, and Canada. This analysis compares their returns to those of benchmark indices in these countries, exploring the relationship between employee happiness and financial performance.
Happiest Workplaces Around the Globe 2024
Chapter Summary
The "Happiest Workplaces Around The Globe 2024 Report" includes lists of the 973 happiest workplaces from 23 countries, categorized by country and sector, as well as the agendas and strategies these companies use to promote employee happiness.
Introduction: Key Findings
The Introduction section of the "Happiest Places Around the Globe 2024" report provides a summary of the key findings presented in the report. This summary offers a general perspective before delving into the details of the report, facilitating a more informed interpretation. Additionally, this section defines the concept of happiness used in the report under the title Understanding Employee Happiness.
Happiest Workplaces Around the Globe
This section of the report includes lists of the happiest workplaces in various sectors across 23 countries. Unlike other lists, the Happiest Workplaces Around the Globe lists are created with consideration for sector-specific differences. Each company in the country lists should be considered the happiest in its sector. From a pool of 16,829 companies analyzed, 819 have qualified to be on the list. The methodology used and the ranking criteria are detailed extensively in the report. The Country-Based Lists section includes the happiest workplaces in each sector within a country. In the Industry Leaders section, the same companies are grouped by sector, showcasing the world's happiest workplaces in each sector together.
Boosting Stocks with a Smile
In this section of the report, the financial performances of companies listed in the Happiest Workplaces Around the Globe are scrutinized. Specifically, the stock returns of Happy Workplaces companies trading on the stock exchanges of the USA, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Canada from 2010 to 2024 are compared against the respective benchmark indices of these exchanges. The results show that, without exception, Happy Workplaces® companies have provided higher returns over the long term in all these exchanges. Although the analysis does not prove a direct cause-and-effect relationship, it reveals a strong correlation between the two variables. Additionally, the findings expand upon previous studies primarily focused on U.S. stock markets and offer up-to-date data.
2024 HR Trends
This section includes insights from 724 senior HR executives within the Happy Workplaces network (31% from North America, 13% from South America, 7% from Asia, 3% from Australia, 38% from Europe, and 8% from Africa) on the HR trends of 2024, the challenges they face in ensuring employee happiness, and the key strategies they use. The senior HR executives are grouped according to whether their workplaces are on the list or not, and their responses are compared accordingly. This comparison identifies how the Happiest Workplaces differ from others. Additionally, this section highlights best practices from companies like Turkish Airlines, DHL, Metro Grossmarket, Salesforce, Netflix, Capital One, Fidelity, Pfizer, and Siemens.
About Us
This section provides information about the Happy Workplaces® consultancy model, certification process, and methodology. Companies aspiring to be among the World's Happiest Workplaces can find the necessary information here.
The Happiest Workplaces Around the Globe List showcases the happiest workplace in each sector within every participating country.
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