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By harnessing the power of MetaResearch, we are synthesizing local and global workplace listings, all aimed at serving employee happiness, into a cohesive and robust framework grounded in the PERMA model. Rather than relying on a single research study, we are incorporating the insights from all research conducted within the year, thereby creating a powerful and unique list.

Ultimate Happiness List

Aristotle defined happiness as the ‘ultimate end of humankind’ in the year 384 B.C., and this definition has remained unchanged for the past 2407 years. In line with this, the research and lists featured in the media, focusing on aspects such as diversity, commitment, equality, and trust, all recognize features that will make the workplace happier in one way or another. Companies are ranked based on their ability to meet these criteria.

Operating on the premise that happiness is the ultimate goal, we have analyzed all these lists using the powerful tools of MetaResearch. This analysis has allowed us to create what we have termed the Ultimate Happiness List, a compilation of the happiest workplaces. In doing so, we have provided a fresh perspective that transcends traditional assessments, weaving together various attributes that collectively contribute to a joyous and thriving work environment.


Local & Global Lists

Spanning both local and global realms, our meta-analysis incorporates 15 significant lists that reflect various dimensions of workplace happiness and well-being. This diverse collection ensures a comprehensive understanding, transcending regional boundaries and providing insights that resonate on a universal scale.



Our study encompasses a wide spectrum of industries. By bringing together various lists reflecting different aspects of workplace satisfaction, we’ve forged a comprehensive and multifaceted view. This extensive integration assures an inclusive perspective, contributing to a richer understanding of what makes a workplace thrive.



Covering over 50,000 employee experiences, our analysis compiles a multifaceted view of workplace contentment. Through the aggregation of such a diverse range of insights, we are not only reflecting the true nature of employee satisfaction but also providing a solid foundation for understanding workplace well-being on a broader scale.


Presenting the most comprehensive workplace list to date

Amplified Sample Size

The Meta-list compiles various studies to create a larger sample size. This enhances statistical power, yielding more reliable results. The approach adds depth to our understanding of contentment across different sectors.

Broad Perspective

By amalgamating studies from varied locations and conditions, the Meta-list offers an expansive view. This results in credible generalizations, enriching insights into workplace happiness across multiple contexts.

Bias Sensitivity

Evaluating multiple lists, the Meta-list minimizes errors and biases in list preparation. By synthesizing diverse data, it ensures objective outcomes, thus reinforcing the reliability of conclusions about workplace joy.

Precise Results

The Meta-analysis identifies the happiest company in each industry, evaluating companies within their sector. This method avoids comparing apples to oranges, leading to more precise findings.

Explicit Approach

Meta-analysis uses transparent criteria for the study selection and analysis. This fosters replicable analysis, contributing to a rigorous understanding of workplace dynamics, guaranteeing methodological integrity.

Decision Impact

Due to its strong methodology and exact data, the Meta-list has greater credibility than other lists. Its broad insights impact the decisions of employees, playing a vital role in guiding organizational choices and careers.

How We Create the Happiest Workplaces Lists?


Data Gathering

We sourced local and global workplace lists containing companies from each country. These lists were accompanied by reports analyzing the degree of alignment with the PERMA Model developed by Martin Seligman. This information was obtained from the volunteer organization database, ensuring unbiased and diverse data.


Quantitative Analysis Using the Delphi Method

We transformed the reports from the Wellbeing Initiative database into quantifiable data using the Delphi Method. Collaborating with five different faculty members, we requested them to determine the percentage alignment of each list with the PERMA Model based on the analysis and their unique research. This process adds expert judgment and enhances the validity of the evaluation.


Creating a Wellbeing Coefficient

Utilizing artificial intelligence, we calculated the average score given for each list and formed a wellbeing coefficient. This coefficient was distributed to the top 50 companies on the list at 100%, and the second 50 companies at 80%. This approach, supported by AI, ensures an efficient and standardized measure, allowing for fair comparison across diverse lists.


Final Selection and Industry Consideration

In the final phase, we selected the highest-scoring companies within each industry to complete our list. In broad industries with significant variations, such as software and technology, we identified sub-sectors. This allowed us to include the happiest workplaces engaged in similar activities, ensuring a more balanced and representative list.


Aggregating and Ranking Companies

All lists were combined, and companies were ranked according to their total score. The final ranking of a company in the unified list was determined by the number of lists it appeared on, the scores it received, and the position it held in those lists. For instance, if a company appeared in 5 out of 11 lists with coefficients of .23, .34, .11, .49, .17, and held varying ranks within those lists, their total score would be 1.34. This step ensures that both the quantity and quality of appearances across various lists are considered in the final ranking.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Wellbeing Initiative is a volunteer-driven platform with a noble mission: to enhance happiness and well-being in workplaces around the globe. Acting as a centralized hub, it aggregates all workplace lists published worldwide, serving as an invaluable guide for job seekers and organizations alike. The initiative goes beyond simple list compilation by performing rigorous analyses to assess each list's relationship to employee happiness. What sets the Wellbeing Initiative apart is its commitment to transparency and depth. Each list undergoes a comprehensive evaluation, and the results are presented in detailed reports. These reports spotlight the strengths and weaknesses of each list, providing a nuanced view often missing in generic workplace rankings. In doing so, the initiative empowers users to make data-driven decisions, rooted in credible metrics rather than hearsay or reputation. Not just an aggregator, the Wellbeing Initiative is also a critical evaluator. Its in-depth analyses provide actionable insights, transforming the way we think about workplace well-being. By offering a one-stop-shop for all things related to workplace happiness, the initiative is shaping a new paradigm, one where employee well-being is recognized as a quantifiable asset. In a world cluttered with information, the Wellbeing Initiative stands as a beacon of clarity and purpose, guiding us towards a future where workplaces are not just productive, but also fulfilling and joyful.

  • The PERMA Model is a well-being theory developed by positive psychologist Martin Seligman. The model identifies five essential elements that contribute to human happiness and well-being. The acronym PERMA stands for:

    Positive Emotion: This refers to cultivating a positive outlook and experiencing joy, gratitude, and other affirmative emotions.

    Engagement: This element involves becoming fully immersed and engaged in activities, often resulting in a state known as "flow," where one loses track of time because they're completely engrossed in what they're doing.

    Relationships: Social connections and relationships contribute significantly to well-being. Positive relationships provide emotional support and deepen our sense of belonging and purpose.

    Meaning: This refers to a sense of purpose or direction in life, often connected to being part of something greater than oneself, such as a community, cause, or mission.

    Accomplishment: This involves the pursuit of goals and the ability to achieve and accomplish tasks, leading to a sense of competence and fulfillment.
    The PERMA Model is widely used in psychological research, therapy, and organizational development to understand and improve human happiness and well-being.

  • Data for workplace lists and their corresponding evaluations are sourced from the volunteer organization, which conducts its assessments based on the PERMA Model. In other words, the contribution of each list to employee happiness is gauged through the dimensions laid out in the PERMA framework. We quantify this information using the Delphi Method, a process carried out in collaboration with academic experts and bolstered by artificial intelligence support. This multi-disciplinary approach lends unparalleled rigor and credibility to our assessments.

  • A company's inclusion in the Happiest Workplaces List is determined by a powerful combination of two key metrics: the score of the list it appears on, and its ranking within that list. These two factors form the foundation for calculating the company's points garnered from each individual list. Additionally, as a company appears on more lists, its cumulative score escalates, magnifying its standing in the overarching Happiest Workplaces List. This dynamic methodology ensures a comprehensive and nuanced evaluation, providing an authoritative guide to the most fulfilling places to work.

  • Absolutely not, and this is a point we emphasize for the sake of integrity and objectivity in our methodology. We operate independently and make it a priority to avoid any form of agreement, partnership, or collaboration with organizations that create these workplace lists. This commitment to neutrality is crucial for ensuring that our analysis and conclusions are unbiased and reliable. When collecting data, our source pool is strictly limited to publicly available, transparent information. We do not engage with proprietary data that is restricted by user agreements or requires secure login credentials. By rigorously following these protocols, we uphold the highest standards of credibility and trustworthiness in our research.

  • The Happiest Workplaces list serves as a multifaceted resource that benefits various stakeholders: employees, employers, and list-publishing organizations.

    For Employees: Our list acts as a reliable guide for job seekers and current employees alike. It amalgamates diverse rankings from across industries to provide a comprehensive view of the companies that excel in fostering workplace happiness. Through this list, individuals can identify prospective employers that align with their own values and priorities concerning workplace well-being, thus making more informed career decisions.

    For Employers: The list offers companies a valuable platform for differentiation and branding in terms of employee happiness. By earning a spot on our list, companies not only receive public recognition for their efforts in creating a happier workforce, but they also gain the impetus to continually improve. This visibility and validation can, in turn, attract high-caliber talent, reduce turnover, and improve overall productivity and engagement.

    For List-Publishing Organizations: The methodology we employ assigns a unique 'well-being coefficient' to each list that we evaluate. This encourages companies to aspire to be on multiple lists, thus increasing the relevance and demand for such rankings. Our rigorous and widely disseminated analysis also serves as a form of quality assurance, elevating the status of these list-publishing organizations. Moreover, the increased attention generated by our comprehensive list amplifies the reach and impact of these individual lists, making them more influential within their respective sectors.

    In summary, the Happiest Workplaces list constitutes a win-win-win situation for all involved, serving as a trusted resource for the betterment of workplace happiness globally.

  • We don't personally research or select the workplace lists that serve as the foundation for our Happiest Workplaces List, as we strive to maintain our objectivity. Instead, we rely on the lists identified by Our role involves assigning a coefficient to each list based on the reports prepared for them, and it's these coefficients that help us determine the happiest workplaces in each industry. This approach allows us to ensure consistency and impartiality in our evaluations, making the Happiest Workplaces List a trusted resource for all stakeholders involved.

  • We choose not to disclose the coefficients assigned to each workplace list to the general public. This decision is made to maintain the integrity of our research and to avoid potential bias or competition among list-publishing organizations. Transparency is important to us, but in this specific case, withholding the coefficients ensures that our research remains impartial and credible. On the other hand, to companies that formally apply for our workplace happiness certification, we offer a transparent and detailed explanation of our entire calculation and evaluation process, including the coefficients used. This ensures that those directly involved in the certification process have a full understanding of how their scores are computed, while still preserving the impartiality of our public-facing findings.

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